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Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881

St Cuthbert's - Catholic High School

A Catholic education for boys of all faiths and none

Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881

Meet the Pupils

Meet the Pupils

St Cuthbert’s is a community that ‘celebrates the individual’.

A community is not made of bricks, but of people, and so much of what makes St Cuthbert’s a truly exceptional place is the people who are part of the school. Our heritage, traditions and buildings provide an insight into our past, but our outreach, service programme and community work helps prepare the boys to be men of competence, courage, compassion and commitment. But do not just take my word for it, hear what the boys have to say.

St Cuthbert’s was an incredible place for my education. I am so happy with my time at the school, both in secondary school and in sixth form. I currently study Civil Engineering at the University of Nottingham. It is fair to say that the main reason I am so happy with where I am today is because of the amazing guidance and support from the staff, teachers and pupils at the school. The sixth form staff and teachers in particular were amazing and went above and beyond to support me in applying to American Universities. No matter where I end up I will always be proud to have graduated from St Cuthbert’s.

Benjamin Jobson, Class of 2020 | University of Nottingham, Civil Engineering, -

St. Cuthbert's, the teachers, and the Sixth form staff stood by and supported me when I perhaps didn’t deserve it. They helped me to rebuild my academic confidence and showed me that anything is achievable, with a little bit of help and determination. Now I am studying psychology with the open university, something which just a year and a half ago I never would have thought of. St Cuthbert's has really helped to improve my life and prospects and I could not be thankful enough.

David Anderson, Class of 2020 | Open University, -

After Cuthies, I did my three years in accounting and finance at Newcastle university. At university, I ensured I made the most of my time at university by joining upReach (social mobility charity) as an upReach associate and being elected as Student Chair of the Student Voice Committee for my course. In my third year, I started to think more about what career in professional services I wanted to go down. As I built my interest in corporation tax while at 6th form (in my EPQ), I decided to base my dissertation on this in my third year, which I really enjoyed researching about. Currently, I am a tax assistant at RMT Accountants and Business Advisors (in Gosforth). I have been working at RMT for 3 weeks now, and I have enjoyed every day! At RMT, I am studying for my ATT qualification, which will make me a tax technician. In the future, at RMT, I hope to undertake the CTA qualification which will allow me to take on more advisory work. Without the support from yourself and Mr Anderson, I wouldn’t be where I am today!

Toheed Hussain, Class of 2018 | Newcastle University, Accounting and Finance (with Placement), -

I joined in 2010 as an anxious 11 year old boy. Little did I know what a humungous community I would become part of. A community built around the integrity and compassion that surrounds it. A community that taught me to be confident, empathetic and dedicated through both challenge and support. I left in 2017 as a man. I now proudly represent Northumbria Police as a Police Constable. A role in which the interpersonal and academic skills taught to me at St Cuthbert’s have been invaluable. I will forever be grateful.

Reece Clelland, Class of 2017, -

I am currently a final year medical student at Birmingham and will be a qualified doctor in less than a year which is crazy to imagine, especially when I told you that I wanted to do medicine a month before the personal statement was due. I really do miss St Cuthbert’s, I miss my friends, the teachers and the atmosphere that the school created. It helped me grow and prepared me for the challenges ahead.

Hussain Ahmed, Class of 2017, -

Meet the School Council

School Council representatives are essential to the life of our Catholic school community.  They are representatives of the pupil/student body to the wider community. They will make sure that pupil/student voice is represented in key decisions and developments within the school and within their year group.  They will represent the School and student body at a variety of public functions during the year. The representatives must be confident and comfortable talking to adults and students.  They need to have good organisational and communication skills and have a mature and thoughtful outlook. 

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0191 274 4510

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, Gretna Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PX

Bishop Bewick

Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School is a proud member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. The Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company Registration No. 7841435.


0191 274 4510

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, Gretna Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PX