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Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881

St Cuthbert's - Catholic High School

A Catholic education for boys of all faiths and none

Offering an alternative vision of education since 1881


Support (including SEND)

“We look to the future with what we feel is a realistic optimism. The Church has a tradition of ministry to people with learning difficulties and disabilities, and this tradition will fuel the stronger, more broadly based efforts called for by contemporary circumstances.

We also have faith that our quest for justice, increasingly enlisted on the side of individuals with disabilities, will work powerfully in their behalf. No one would deny that every man, woman and child has the right to develop his or her potential to the fullest. With God’s help and our own determination, the day will come when that right is realized in the lives of all people.”

Bishops’ Conference Statement of People with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities 1976

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School is a welcoming and accessible community. We have with compassionate learning and pastoral support to ensure we meet the individual needs of every boy. At St Cuthbert’s, we recognise that every boy has differing needs, abilities and preferences – and that these will change over time and in different circumstances. Every member of staff from leaders and pastoral staff to teachers and support staff, is focused on creating a caring environment that fulfils the needs of each pupil.

St Cuthbert’s provide effective, focused and compassionate support for pupils with identified special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), as well as those who may be experiencing temporary difficulties – whether physical, emotional or health related.

Our Learning Support staff have specific expertise in helping pupils with a whole range of special educational needs, in the context of a mainstream, academic school. These specialists work closely with both academic and pastoral staff to ensure we monitor and manage the progress of all pupils in our care, whatever their individual requirements and including any pupil with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Every member of staff has a genuine desire to see every pupil achieve his or her best. This commitment is clearly demonstrated by continuing professional development, which ensures our skills and expertise are constantly updated. By working as a team, we help pupils to enjoy the extensive range of co-curricular and enrichment opportunities available to all boys.

The Learning Support team welcomes the participation of parents, and pupils themselves, in developing the most effective individual support programmes.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Pastoral Staff will support boys for whom English is an additional language as they adapt to the different culture of an English secondary school and life in the United Kingdom. The Assistant Head (SENCO and Inclusion) will ensure that appropriate arrangements are made to allow EAL pupils to access appropriate support to accelerate language acquisition including providing support, where appropriate, with learning to read. Support for EAL pupils is provided to enable them to achieve their academic potential.

Access the Newcastle City Council Local Offer

The Newcastle City Council Local Offer gives detailed information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND and their families.

It has places to go and fun things to do.  From school holiday activities and short breaks, to clubs and groups to join in with.  There’s advice and guidance on education, health, care and a range of young people’s issues.

The service comprises of the following support teams:

SEND Outreach Service

Educational Psychology Service

SEND Sensory Service

SEND Assessment Provision and Review

Special Educational Needs Teaching and Support Service

SEND Transport 

Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) offers an impartial confidential service at any stage of a child or young person's education.

You can access further information about the Newcastle City Council Local Offer here.

Special Educational Needs and Learning Difficulties Information Report

As a Catholic School we recognise and affirm the dignity of all, as people made in the image and likeness of God.   It is our Christian duty not only to hold and affirm this fundamental principle but to act upon it.  The great majority of children grasp the opportunities offered in school, to grow to become self-disciplined, happy, mature young adults.  Some young people, however, suffer disadvantages which limit their ability to access both the curriculum and co-curricular activities.  In caring for the most vulnerable and ensuring an inclusive framework in our search for excellence in all and for all, the Special Educational Needs Department work towards making our vision a reality. 

Many young people find themselves in the position of needing additional support at some time in their school career; the pupil who is taking longer to read than his friends, the child who has been ill and absent for a long time, the child who breaks both wrists and needs help using a laptop computer.  Then there are the children with permanent disadvantages to overcome.  Physical disabilities which limit their mobility and stamina, sensory impairment, behavioural and learning difficulties across the whole range from being very gifted to the handicap of specific learning difficulties and all the associated problems of limited literacy and numeracy skills.

St Cuthbert’s recognises the need to make provision for these children to include them in every aspect of school life.  For a Special Educational Needs Department to be effective we need full participation of staff, pupils, parents and governors so that effective provision is made to secure teaching and learning opportunities that meet the needs of all pupils as a fully integrated part of the school vision and the mission of the Church. 

This information report is based on the statutory Schedule 1 of the Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Regulation 2014 and following legislation:

  • SEND Code of Practice paragraphs 6.2. and 6.79 to 6.81
  • Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014

As a school, we are committed to support pupils and students to achieve their best, become confident young men fit for the 21st century, become men of compassion, competence and commitment to themselves and others in both St Cuthbert’s and beyond. A PDF version of the report is available here. 

Who is Responsible for SEND in St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School?

At St Cuthbert's all teachers are teachers of SEND. We are firmly committed to the principle and practice that all teachers ensure that their lessons are tailored to meet the needs of the boys in their class. Our SENCO co-ordinates this work. 

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO): St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School’s SENCO is Mr Richard Collinson, who can be contacted via telephone (0191) 2744510 or email [email protected]

What is the range of SEND needs and provision available?

Communication and Interaction Needs. This includes pupils with Autism, Speech Language and communication needs. Pupils/students who find it difficult to understand what others are saying or have difficulties with fluency or forming sounds, words or sentences. Staff are well informed to use strategies to enable pupils/students to succeed within their classrooms. Savio is available as a quite space for unstructured times where pupils can be supported.

School will refer and engage with external services for pupils with emerging needs and support access through school.

Cognition and Learning e.g. Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. We support cognition and learning primarily through what happens in the classroom via knowing the needs pupils and putting in place effective differentiation. This will include making reasonable adjustments to teaching resources and the teaching environment. Staff are advised and guided through detailed pupil profiles created by the SEND team, involving pupils/students where appropriate.

Sensory and Physical Needs For example: Hearing impairment, Physical Disabilities, Medical Needs. We work alongside external agencies including the NHS to enable us to best support pupils/students with sensory or physical needs. We make adaptations to the curriculum or environment to ensure fair access to all learning opportunities is achieved. This is achieved by ensuring staff are aware of immediate needs and use seating arrangements, resources and reasonable adjustments to planning and teaching styles. In addition to this, the school site has access ramps and lifts for physical impairments to access all areas of the school site. We have a bespoke medical room with toilet facilities and a full-time member of staff.

How do we support Emotional and Social Development?

  • We have a school counsellor who students can see in weekly by way of referral and an appointment. 
  • We offer workshops for pupils and students with Children North-east on how to encourage well-being
  • Behaviour management systems in school encourage students to make positive decisions about behaviour
  • The school’s behaviour policy identifies where reasonable adjustments or changes can be made to ensure the need for exclusion is kept to a minimum
  • We use risk assessments and consistent approach plans when necessary to act to ensure the safety and inclusion of all pupils/students in all activities
  • The school provides effective pastoral care through the House system for all pupils/students
  • We seek support from outside agencies such as the SWIS (Social Worker in Schools), Children and Young Peoples Services (CYPS) and the Educational Psychologist
  • Our PSHE and RSE programme, as outlined in section 10, develops pupils skills so that they are prepared to be men fit for the 21st century.

How do we ensure fair access to the Curriculum? – Teaching and Learning

All pupils and students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. All pupils/students receive inclusive, personalised teaching that is designed to meet individual need. Identifying, assessing, planning and review is an integral part of this. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the students. However, in order to maximise learning, some students are supported via one-to-one session and / or small group work. Our Annual SEND Report provides a clear description of the details of what is available for all pupils with SEN through effective classroom teaching and what is additional and different provision.

Pupils/students with SEND are actively encouraged and supported to join in and benefit from additional activities and clubs as well as any wider community activities, alongside children who do not have SEND. Where appropriate, this involves liaison with outside providers to ensure individual needs are met, for example The Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Additional Support: We offer 1:1/small group work for identified pupils/students with specific needs including literacy and numeracy. Pupils will be identified through staff/parent and carer consultation. Intervention work will be conducted in our specialist provision, the SAVIO, or on occasions in class support.

What provision is in place for Access to Equipment, Facilities and Resources?

Please refer to school’s accessibility plans which outline how we:

  • Increase access to the curriculum for pupils/students with a disability
  • Improve and maintain access to the physical environment
  • Improve the delivery of written information to students

How do we Identify, Assess, Consult and Review pupils and students?

SEND Support – four-part cycle: St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School will follow a graduated response to SEND. The identification of SEND is built into the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all pupils in school.  Termly pupil progress meetings support the early identification of pupils who may have SEND. Where concerns are identified, either by staff or parents/carers, an “initial concerns checklist” is completed in collaboration with staff and parents then discussed with the SENCO.

Assess: The class or subject teacher, working with the SENCO, will carry out a clear analysis of a pupil’s needs. This assessment will be reviewed regularly. Where appropriate, external professionals will help to inform the assessment. Parents will be asked to contribute to the assessment.

Plan: Parents will be formally notified via a ‘phone call or letter. Adjustments, interventions, support and review date will be agreed with staff, parents and pupil. This will be recorded on the school information system.

Do: The class or subject teacher will remain responsible for working with the pupil on a daily basis and retain responsibility for their progress and outcomes. The SENCO will plan and assess the impact of support and interventions with a Higher Level Teaching Assistant or specialist staff involved.

Review: The effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress will be reviewed on the agreed date. Reviews will be held with parents at least three times per year (Termly). The subject teacher, working with the SENCO, will revise the support in light of the pupil’s progress. If a pupil does not make expected progress over a sustained period of time school will seek specialist expertise. This will inform future provision. School liaises with the following services - Educational Psychology Service, School Health, SEND Advice and Support Panel (SEN ASAP), Newcastle School Effectiveness SEN Team, SEN Teaching and Support Service (SENTASS), Occupational Therapists, GP’s, Speech and Language Team and, when appropriate, Social Services (CYPS) and Looked After Children Team.

What are the arrangements for consulting parents/carers of pupils/students with SEND?

Parents/carers will be invited termly to SEND progress parent’s evening where they can discuss with the SEND Department any concerns about current support and provision for their son. It is an opportunity to review the pupil profile to ensure details are up to date and support their son’s education and access to the curriculum.  The SEND parents' meetings are operated by Year Team and parents will be contacted via email to make an appointment through our virtual system School Cloud. In addition to this, parents/carers can contact the school and make an appointment with the SENCO.

Education, Health and Care Plans

Where, despite having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the SEND of a student, the student has not made expected progress, then school and/or parents will consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment. School will provide the local authority with evidence of the action taken as part of SEND support.

For pupils with existing EHCPs, provision and support will be reviewed termly and annually in line with statutory guidance. Parents/carers will have the opportunity to meet with the SENCO to discuss access and provision in addition to curriculum advice and examination support. If appropriate, external agencies will be involved in the review cycle to ensure needs are met.

How are staff trained to support pupils and students with SEND?

Whole staff training: SEND has a significant place within the schools INSET and training calendar.  Staff have regular access to training resources and specialist trainers. Richard Collinson – Assistant Head: SENCO and Inclusion is a full-time role and available alongside HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistants) to support and advise staff with SEND concerns or issues. In the last academic year staff have had access to training on Autism by external specialists and Tics and Tourette’s by local NHS staff. In addition to this, ADHD training has been delivered as part of our whole school INSET calendar.

Medical training: We have fully trained full-time First Aid staff on school site and a designated Medical Room where pupils/students can seek medical attention if required – existing or emergency care. There is a bespoke medical room with access to toilet facilities. Staff are alert to individual medical needs of pupils via Sharepoint/Staff briefings and PARS alerts to ensure all staff are aware and able to support pupils with specific medical needs. Pastoral support is also available for all pupils and pupils will be allocated a single point of contact should there be any emerging needs – this will also be the point of contact for parents/carers

What are the transition arrangements from primary to secondary and preparing for adulthood?

How do we support the transition from Primary School?

Our SEND Transition Coordinator works closely with our feeder primary schools, and with the SLT link responsible for transition, to carefully plan to ensure a successful transition from primary school or to Higher or Further Education. Key information about SEND provision will be shared from our feeder schools or with other educational settings.

Transition meetings are held with feeder primary school Year 6 Teachers and SENCOs to identify pupils who have SEND or additional needs requiring further support in transition, this could include; 1:1 summer visits with the SENCO/Pastoral Leaders, liaising with external professionals and attendance at review meetings. Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s needs with staff during all visits and interactions to allow greater support during transition. In addition to this, pupils are encouraged to attend summer school where they will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with staff, the school site and day to day systems including lunch arrangements timings/structure of lessons.

How do we prepare for SEND pupils/students for adulthood?

PSHE Programme of Study: At St Cuthbert's we view the social, moral, spiritual and cultural education of our pupils as equally important to their academic education.  All of our pupils, from Year 7 to Year 13, have a lesson of PSHE during Form Time once a week and a lesson of RSE during Form Time. These lessons are delivered by trained Form Tutors because we believe they are best placed to form positive working relationships with the boys where mature, in-depth discussions about topics can be held.  Our PSHE curriculum is completely bespoke to the boys of St Cuthbert's. The programme is implemented through a spiral curriculum of 6 units which are built upon each academic year. Each Unit has a ‘Big Question’.

  • How do I become a 'man for others?'
  • How do I become a man fit for the 21st Century?
  • How do I become a responsible British Citizen?
  • How can I keep my body healthy?
  • How can I keep my mind healthy?
  • How do I become ready for work?

Full integration of SEND pupils/students within the pastoral system allows for holistic development of knowledge and skills to help support and recognise their place in society and how they can play an active and positive role in the community, whilst keeping healthy and happy.

Careers Advice and Guidance: St Cuthbert’s Catholic High school Careers strategy seeks to help students understand the range of opportunities available to them in today’s economy and acquire the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in the workplaces of the future.  Careers Guidance at St Cuthbert’s leads to destinations outcomes that place us amongst the top schools in the area both in terms of university entrance and apprenticeship take up. Mrs Garay is our school's Progression Coach

The PSHE and Careers guidance that SEND pupil/students experience support effective transition into higher and further education with appropriate programmes of study allowing for continual growth. Parents of pupils/students with SEND will have the opportunity to engage fully with the SENCO and Careers advisor to ensure their son’s needs are met and supported beyond St Cuthbert’s.

For further information on planning and preparing for adulthood, please follow this link where you can use interactive tools to guide and advise young people and families on next steps

How is the provision for pupils/students with SEND monitored and evaluated?

This report will be evaluated annually and reviewed by Richard Collinson (Assistant Head: SENCO). It will be updated and any relevant changes will be made during the year. It will be approved and reviewed by the Headmaster and the Local Governing Committee.

St Cuthbert’s SEND Governor is Dr Chris Jones (Chair of Governors).

What is the complaints procedure?

Initially an attempt will be made to resolve a complaint about SEND provision at school level, within one week of the complaint having first been made. The procedure is firstly that the class teacher attempts to resolve matters, then if required, the SENCO and/or Leadership Team becomes involved.

If the complaint is unresolved, then the person making the complaint is advised of their rights under Section 23 of the Education Reform Act to make a complaint, details can be found within the School’s Complaints Policy. The Governing Body will consider the complaint, after which, if necessary the LA will become involved. School will inform parents/carers of the local authority’s commissioned independent disagreement resolution service. Details can also be found in the Local Offer.

What is Newcastle City Council’s Local Offer and what other external services are available?

  • Newcastle City Council Local Offer -
  • Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), (formerly known as the Parent Partnership Service) Offers impartial information, advice and support in relation to a child’s SEND. Telephone 0191 284 0480 or
  • Northeast Special Needs Network supports families with disabled children and young people from birth to 25 years. Telephone 0191 281 2485 or email [email protected]
  • Newcastle Families Information Service Provides a guide to local organisations, childcare and events.

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0191 274 4510

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, Gretna Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PX

Bishop Bewick

Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School is a proud member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. The Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company Registration No. 7841435.


0191 274 4510

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, Gretna Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7PX